@amy oh that's cool i guess. but i can do the thumbaround pen spinning trick, can God do that?

@amy this is the greatest day of my life thank you for shoutout

@wallhackio @amy I can't do that one but I can do a different pen trick

@aescling @wallhackio @amy It's hard to describe, but it's an around-the-finger type trick

needless antagonism; taunting the heavens; voice reveal 

needless antagonism; taunting the heavens; voice reveal 

@wallhackio @amy lmfaooooooooo

needless antagonism; taunting the heavens; voice reveal 

@wallhackio @amy I could never do the, like, double spin, only the one going from the middle to the top fingers

re: needless antagonism; taunting the heavens; voice reveal 

@coriander @amy If you learned one you can learn both!

re: needless antagonism; taunting the heavens; voice reveal 

@amy @coriander if i get smited for this its because I shared a vertical video in 16:9 and for no other reason

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