pop punk if it was WOKE
what's my PRONOUNS again
i can't think of any more sorry
@monorail all the, woke thingsgenders, at least three
@wallhackio @monorail ’cause zie’s such a toxic bore, 1984
@aescling @monorailthere's demifluid, anongenderand don't forget anogenderthere's epicene, genderqueerand Asia Kate Dillon on MTVzie parents, since high schoolthey tell her that zie's uncoolBut zie's still preoccupiedWith 19, 191985 genders
@wallhackio @monorail mine’s better
A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.
@wallhackio @monorail mine’s better