@wallhackio you got the national dex order wrong and it’s bothering me way more than it should
@wallhackio the poll results are whack as fuck and cannot be trusted; they are not a suitable basis fur GlitchCat pawlicy decisions
@aescling you just got reported for misinformation
@wallhackio leafeon placing over almost every other vee is blatant misinfo
evil right-wing talking point
@aescling facts don't care about your feelings
re: evil right-wing talking point
@wallhackio i am talking about objective facts about how the fanbase feels about the vees, not my opinions about leafeon
re: evil right-wing talking point
@aescling "facts" about how the fanbase "feels"
checkmate atheist
@wallhackio anyway you’re making bold claims fur not being an admin
it now official glitchcat policy that clodsire is the 2nd-best eevee