it’s october; read ghost town
i was forgetting to look at the chapter titles but now that i am, they really look like alternate-universe mountain goats song titles
a problem: how to keep track of the fact that the analogue to the reconstructed proto-indo-european sky-god in this conlang's speakers' ancient religion is (loosely speaking) a trans woman when i'm not currently really recording facts about the culture of its speakers (except insofar as they might be inferred from the lexicon or sample texts)
nobihél (b-h-l): nf. a sort of priestess to Bihêl that will be so popular among tw if this setting ever develops a tumblr-analogue
just saying that was not the best choice of examples to follow with the comment about some languages utilizing both
@Lady do you have thoughts on notating Semitic-style triconsonantal root morphology in glosses