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thanks glitch-soc for the doodling feature. i forget who did that but thank you.

«If it’s ever too much. If you’re ever doing something and it’s just too much. Even if you’ve already started doing it. Even if it doesn’t seem there’s anything you can do but to do it. If it’s ever too much, you can stop.»
—The Night-Bird's Feather, by Jenna Katerin Moran

that said, my beloved @sigmaleph did point out that the argument misquoted the usual claim about the quality of the film and that the correctly-phrased property ("greatest mafia movie ever made") invalidates the argument

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peeps on tumblr are out there making reverse ontological arguments about screenplays for fictional films

upside of trying out soulbeast in gw2: a furry
downside: i don't throw shiny pink floating swords at people with my mind anymore

also in a practical sense i do more damage more easily

downside of having a literally earth-shaking event to open the next session of my strike! campaign with: absolutely zero clue what the players will try to do in the rest of the session.

or possibly it’s just midnight thirty and i should go to sleep and therefore everything seems weird rn lol

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i’ve been playing guild wars 2 again lately and i have mostly kept to the character naming convention i used a decade ago long before i transitioned. which is gender neutral, but hearing people refer to me in the same way i was referred to back them… possibly it feels a bit weird. not entirely sure. hm.

i might be able to be talked down to allowing craigslist and the like to accept payment under some circumstances

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as a treat i will allow myself the moderate, reformist policy position that paid advertisements should be entirely prohibited.

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advertising is kinda almost always evil but advertising in fortune cookies is a special horror

my halloween display name has been retired. i may or may not move on my paras as well

alyssa boosted

i wanted to dye my hair but then i remembered how much hair i have...

i have finally joined the instance theme for the month


«a. NOTE: Arrow functions never have an arguments object.»
huh, i did not know this

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.