superhero movies 

wait they decided to name the main mcu continuity 616???

fucked up

superhero movies 

main mcu universe rather
like, come on, that's already taken

superhero movies 

@alyssa marvel database (fandom wiki) calls it Earth-199999, most people just don't know it

superhero movies 

@Lady yes this is much more reasonable, but apparently it is now officially and canonically universe 616 -_-

superhero movies 

@alyssa what’s your source on this?


superhero movies 

@Lady dr. strange in the multiverse of madness. to be clear this complaint was me liveblogging the movie lol
tho marvel database also notes «It was later referred to as "Earth-616" or "Universe-616" (and as explained in its foreword "the universe known as 616, also known as the Sacred Timeline") in The Marvel Cinematic Universe: An Official Timeline #1.»

superhero movies 

@alyssa i’ve chosen to believe that it is just an alternate timeline where everyone believes they are on Earth-616 even though they actually aren’t, but i think that actually the movies just aren’t consistent with each other, much less the comics

superhero movies 

@Lady oh to be clear, i am not interpreting it as equivalent to comics 616, i just find it very annoying a choice of them to call it 616 also

superhero movies 

@alyssa yes i think for a time they wanted it to take place in the comic multiverse but then they gave up on that and then decided to just re·use the comic names

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