@coriander wait he's doing the odyssey? that feels wrong somehow. that feels like sacred territory
like, that's risking doing the "oh cinderella, you mean the disney movie" thing. i'm pretty sure that's why we're not touching gilgamesh
@heatherhorns_lite That's why I've been posting about directors I would like to see do the Odyssey for the past couple hours, cos Christopher Nolan is doing it, yeah
I think the concept of an Odyssey movie is fine, it's been done before and it'll be done again, it's a cornerstone story of western culture in a way that deserves to get new audiences into it every now and again
@coriander @heatherhorns_lite I would kill for Robert Eggers to direct this
@coriander @wallhackio @heatherhorns_lite he could purrobably direct a great excerpt from the story
@coriander @wallhackio @heatherhorns_lite this is the only hope fur the nolan film imo
@aescling @wallhackio @heatherhorns_lite Yeah give me like a two hour movie of just the Polyphemus story or smth