📟🐱 GlitchCat Sunday Post, 27 November 2022 

The GlitchCat offers news and updates from our corner of the fediverse to yours.

Short post today because I’m exhausted after a long weekend with family, but I wanted to at least get the holidays and observances in.

§ Instance News :—

@aescling finally played Breath of the Wild meaning the amount of Zeldaposting on this server may increase. Or it may not, because they really only played it to critique Sonic 🤷🏻‍♀️.

§ Holidays and Observances :—

• 🪨 November 28 is Thingstaken, a counter·observance to American Thanksgiving. It is also co·incidentally Cyber Monday, making it a good time to reread The Cybre Manifesto, I guess, or not, I’m not a cop.

• 👿 November 29 is Witchnight, a day marking the beginning of the darkest time of year, in which vampires, demons, ⁊·c are said to thrive. This is a great opportunity to put up your winter lights, tell spooky stories, and generally wish the fall a fond goodbye.

• 🌐 November 30 is N·30, a day of remembrance for those dead or debilitated as a consequence of globalist economic policy. N·30 commemorates the 1999 Battle of Seattle; for background and further context, Kit Oldham did a history of the event in two parts (Part Ⅰ; Part ⅠⅠ).

• 🩸 December 01 is Aidsmas, World Aids Day, or Day With(out) Art, a day of remembrance for those dead or debilitated as a result of the aids pandemic. As December 01 is also the day that the covid “Patient Zero” first began experiencing symptoms, I also endorse using this day to think about globalist responses to pandemic and illness in general.

• ⛓ December 04 is Barbiemas, a day of disguise and secret‐revealing, because Halloween and Witchnight evidently just weren’t enough for me. The name of this day comes from the Catholic St Barbara, but she wasn’t a real person so it might as well be the plastic doll instead. This is a great time to be unflinchingly honest with your loved ones before we hit Yuletide and you might be expected to spend all kinds of time with them. It’s also a great day for DnD campaigns.


re: 📟🐱 GlitchCat Sunday Post, 27 November 2022 

@Lady lmfao

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.