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Just like....please don't go on dates with random people who committed crimes to get your cellphone number

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Today in the straights are not okay: Dí algo (2003)

Satsuma boosted

I have unleashed upon the world a 2.0 version of the tone indicator emoji that I created. My buddy, Lee, who is an actual designer made an expanded set and contributed them. I hope they're useful to folks:

I’m gonna get author credit for this excel sheet tho sooooooo

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okay so basically what i'm doing this semester is making a complicated excel sheet

Satsuma boosted
Satsuma boosted
Satsuma boosted
Satsuma boosted

#Ao3TagOfTheDay: “slightly unrealistic threesome, at least noone grew an extra arm yet”

Satsuma boosted

#Ao3TagOfTheDay: “Humorous References to Necrophilia, Humorous References to Yo-Yos”

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#Ao3TagOfTheDay: Canonical Character Death, Canon Character Death Didn't Happen

I should boost all the ones on my old account at some point so that the tag is complete....

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idk why image descriptions fail sometimes on amaroq but

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bad transcript complaining 

«And she just wants a whole chicken and lots of eggs for (non-English language spoken) which is our traditional spirit-calling ceremonies.»
PLEASE don't do this unless you want me to fight you oh my god

I *also* need to email the professor of that film class, because for Reasons it doesn't start until after the add-drop period is over

But I've already sent like four emails today and gotten stabbed twice so like wehhhhhhh

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.