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A little known rule of sprawling pre-RotS Star Wars AUs is that one of the Jedi is definitely a secret novelist & has probably based at least once character off Obi-Wan

US POL, Native American rights 

The house discussed several bills concerning Native American rights this week:

H.R.2074 - Indian Buffalo Management Act (still in the house, discussion postponed)

H.R.2930 - Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony Act of 2021 (passed the house & sent to the senate)

H.R.4352 - To amend the Act of June 18, 1934, to reaffirm the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for Indian Tribes, and for other purposes. (passed the house & sent to the senate)

I'm tentatively in favor of the first two (the third does clarifies some technical language but does...basically nothing else afaik) tho I'll do more research before I call my reps

Satsuma boosted

Hype Machine's Merch Table scans your Spotify Wrapped playlist to show you what is available for purchase on Bandcamp, and since tomorrow is Bandcamp Friday it's a good time to support the artists you've been listening to this year:

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You don't want to make bioplastic that continues the same disposable thinking patterns that we have today. You want it to solve deeper problems like medical grade plastics, something to replace pvc pipes, barrels, glasses frames etc.That's where I want to see bioplastics used.

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Satsuma boosted

Imagining the instances as cafes or other hangouts. What would they look, sound, feel, and smell like?

This is the only way to share files within the university without involving google, btw (so as you may have guessed it's used by me, the library staff, and approximately zero other people)

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Ah okay Firefox and Internet Explorer *are* also supported, so long as the file you're uploading is under 2GB:

«Being able to upload files larger than 2 GB depends on the browser being used. The following major browsers have been tested:»

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...this site supports Safari, Opera, or OmniWeb??

Satsuma boosted

Searching for a conversion ratio for dry to canned beans for a recipe, I am pleased to report that I not only found the answer, but that is a thriving website dedicated to the subject of cooking beans

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Be Like a Crow is new solo journaling game that might conceivably be of interest to some people on here:

Satsuma boosted

So y'know how Excel can really fuck up your data?

I'm watching this presentation about the same thing but for ... Xerox. And I'm like 😱

fandom meta 

I’m not sure I’m into it as the final solution (I’m team just hire a fucking consultant), but I do think it should be one of the options, if that makes sense? And it’d be quite a bit simpler than a lot of the other ideas going around haha

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fandom meta 

During this weeks round of ‘So is Ao3 ever going to get its shit together re:fandoms racism problem’ someone suggested ‘well if they’re going to keep claiming they’re an archive why not make it more like an actual archive and get rid of all the social aspects’ (specifically kudus, comments, & hitcounts, though the pro’s & cons of also ditching bookmarks were discussed)

I wonder whether the people I lend my notes to notice that 'administrata' is not actually a real word or if they just accept it

Damn doesn't ship to Iceland :(

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.