#Ao3TagOfTheDay: Not Beta Read, seriously i did not even read this myself
#Ao3TagOfTheDay «Pre-Relationship, well as "pre" as these two can get»
#Ao3TagOfTheDay: character death but I don't think it's anyone people particularly care about
#Ao3TagOfTheDay: Covers up plot holes with more plot holes so they cancel out
#Ao3TagOfTheDay: An Obligatory Cricket Swarm
#Ao3TagOfTheDay: Gay Chicken For Great Justice
#Ao3TagOfTheDay: AU: Chaucer Lives Till 1404
#Ao3TagOfTheDay: Quinn runs from his feelings but his feelings have a moped
#Ao3TagOfTheDay: Oh No Oh Woe Canon Slipped In The Shower And I Am The Grieving Widow With An Inheritance
sleepy af
also https://satsuma.dreamwidth.org/
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