
Have not been up on this year (I keep meaning to, & even thinking of things to rec and then forgetting 😅) but I do want to take a moment to rec subscribing to things via RSS! I just use’s built in reader which is Extremely Minimalist but there are many nice fuller featured rss readers out there (eg. )

also if you want somewhere to start off your RSS feeds, acoup writes a very accessible and enjoyable history blog which mixes posts about points of interest in European history (mostly rome, which is his specialty but venturing into the middle ages at times) with breakdowns of pop culture topics eg. would any of that sci-fi hardshell body armor actually work?

hm maybe i will just rec rss feeds for the rest of the month. dreamwidth tells me i have a lot of them 🤔

@Satsuma I love NetNewsWire! Sadly, the only mac I use regularly is for work, so I have to make do with other reader apps most of the time

@kelson glad its working well for you! and hopefully your non mac options are also decent?

@Satsuma I use Nextcloud News to sync my subscriptions and read/unread status. NewsFlash is a good one on Linux, and the NextCloud News app is good on Android.

I haven't found one I really like on Windows, but RSS Guard as least works well. I've also been trying out Vivaldi's feed support lately.

I reviewed a bunch of them back when I stopped using Feedly: See also, which lets you sub to an RSS feed as a virtual account right here on the fediverse :D ​:espeonrun:​ ​:neobot_heart_orange:​ 🦜

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