accidental death 

I'm reviewing my interview tape and I forgot that the interviewee suddenly brings up the death of his cousin to carbon monoxide poisoning when he was 17

It's just so fucking tragic

this interview was done in person and both of us are holding papers so occasionally i'm like oooooh I want to save thi--CRINKLE CRINKLE CRINKLE

Saved a really great clip only to discover that i had not saved the really great clip 😢


There's a point in this interview where my childhood neighborhood comes up and you can hear me almost give the interviewee my cross-street before I very obviously remember this whole thing is being recorded for a public archive and start backpedaling.

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seriously tho the number of times I use the words "discusses" and "experiences" in these abstracts is ABSURD

They're both like 200 words long and I'm pretty sure I uses experiences 5-6 times in each 😬

Okay fixed that issue, going to go have a snack & take a bit of a break before I reread these for final edits

(and then it's spanish studying time 😔)

@aescling i’m literally like ‘oh i grew up near [school name]! I live right across the river at, well, uh, [city] is a small place’ except with even more awkward scrambling 😂

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