ascii alphabet

a (a1) (a2) [a0] c d e (e1) (e2) 3 f [g] 9 h i (i2) j 4 [k] l b m n q o [o2] 8 [81] [82] p r s 6 t u [u2] v w [x] y z 5 7 _ (_1) (_2) (_0)


nonascii alphabet at @Satsuma’s request

a (ǎ) (ą) [å] c d e (ě) (ę) ə f [g] ƣ h i į j ꜭ [k] l ꟛ m n ŋ o ǫ ȣ [ȣ̌] [ȣ̨] p r s ß t u [ų] v w [x] ɣ z ʒ ɂ æ (æ̌) (æ̨) (æ̊)

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.