not sure the marxists still have annotations up on Genius in 2024

this line used to be annotated “Geo believes in a dictatorship of the proletariat”

“perhaps the sacred ground desecrators are intolerant conservative white people” IT’S THE ENTIRE FUCKING SETTLER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, NERD


no they don’t know what “petty bourgeois” means either

i promise in 2016 these genius pages were like a 101 class in marxism‐leninism‐maoism lmao

@Lady i thought you had to go back to like the long march ep for the maoist annotations


@alyssa i swear bayani used to have better ones than this

altho agreed, i think long march’s were always the best

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@Lady wow the annotations on 50,000 deep are really fucking bad now

"Anarchist from the west coast came to the peaceful protest and broke out into a riot, breaking windows and stealing from stores" ??? did this person even listen to the song...

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