GlitchCat Sunday Post, 04 December 2022
The GlitchCat #SundayPost offers news and updates from our corner of the fediverse to yours.
§ Instance News :—
• A lot of people on this instance have been participating in #DecRecs, a hashtag for recommending whatever you want to recommend in the month of December. I’ve been using it mostly as an excuse to reshare some of my old fanfiction bookmarks, but you can rec anything you like!
§ From Our Users :—
• @Lady had a p·r which was recently merged to GlitchSoc. This is a slightly revised version of code which we’ve been rolling here on GlitchCat for some time; at some point I will need to port over the changes.
§ Holidays and Observances :—
• December 05 is Clauseen, the final day of Hallowtide in the KIBI calendar.
• December 06 is Clausmas, a·k·a Sinterklaas Day or the Feast of St Nicholas. Basically nothing is known about St Nicholas, and this day epitomizes the KIBI practice of using fictitious or legendary saints’ days to reappropriate Catholic/Christian traditions away from their religious underpinnings (in this case, Christmas; compare St Valentine). In this case, the recentring on 06 December is especially apt, as Saint Nicholas is actually the template from which we got a lot of our (quasi‐secular) Christmas traditions from, e·g Santa Claus. My take? Celebrate Santa on Santa’s day and leave Christmas in the dust.
• December 06 also marks the beginning of Yuletide, a·k·a “the holiday season”.
• December 10 is Nobelmas, also known as Alfred Nobel Day or, per the United Nations, Human Rights Day. If ever you wanted a day to celebrate peace on earth and goodwill to men, this is a great day for it.
GlitchCat Sunday Post, 04 December 2022
@Lady somehow i never caught that your PR got merged