@Lady you’ve heard most of mine but to try to put them in one place:
- dislike home page defaulting to /explore instead of /about/more — I have never once wanted to see another instances federated timeline and I have only very rarely been interested in browsing their tags. On the other hand “whos the admin” or “how large is this instance” or “do they have a policy against [thing I’m considering reporting one of their users for]“ are questions I have more or less constantly. Also ideologically I think communities should be able to self define which about facilitates and explore does not
- also, strongly dislike the new /about/more design (these two are the biggest like, “please fix this ASAP” requests for me lol)
- no remote follow/reply 😭😭😭😭
- the sidebar is super irritating on mobile when you’re trying to just read a thread (or another long-form thing like /about/more) bc it takes up like half the fucking screen
- “get the app” link in footer — wtf???
- get rid of “publish”, post is fine or we can do some cute theming thing like mew
@Satsuma can you be more specific about what you dislike with the new /about/more?
@Satsuma like i didn't define server rules when we first started this server and i think you literally couldn't report posts in some apps lol