whenever i take leftvalues test lately i think “this is a bad test” and then ”i don’t know how i feel about getting called an Orthodox Marxist”

i am definitely a Meowxist but like idk you’re kind of supposed to develop on it

fur the curious

i think the Party score is more just a reflection of the fact that i do not necessarily mind if a Party exists and tries to run for elections as a way of being able to measure its internal suppawt. i DO think if the One Big Union did amount to a successfully revolutionary force (i have no idea if it will ever get there tbh) it would have to start coming to terms with the fact that it would basically be doing the same thing a Party would be doing anayway

also i don’t actually have a strong opinion on Party vs Union vs anything else, i just wanna see some kind of socialist revolutionary force develop and i would hope it would be structured so as to be developing a mass line

@aescling “the government should be capable of assigning workers to workplaces” oh so you mean like the thing corporations already do regularly?

@aescling wow there are a lot of loaded terms in this quiz

does it assume i equate “socialist” with “necessarily good”? does it assume i equate “inefficient” with “necessarily bad”?

@aescling « Society is chiefly driven by individuals and ideas. » buddy those are two very different concepts

@aescling i like how "partisan" and "central" are different axes like yes i am a party anarchist thank you for noticing

@aescling i mean i scored higher on centralization than decentralization but that's because the questions were bad

@aescling really a lot of focus on ideal states and value judgments not practical pragmatic solutions to existing problems and material conditions which tells me this quiz was not written by a marxist

@aescling i think a marxist would not write a quiz to determine your values and ideals but rather would write a quiz do determine what it is you think should be done

@Lady the most actually practical, what-do-you-want-to-DO test i’ve ever found turned out to have been written by an eventual self-described eco-fascist


@aescling i think the thing is that you can't write a quiz about what needs to be done unless you are willing to assert what material conditions are, which is beyond the limits of the imagined neutrality of most of these quiz authors

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