@monorail that's a weird way to spell outer wilds
@wallhackio @aescling if someone is better than you at melee there is a pretty cool trick you can do
@wallhackio @aescling this is not the trick i meant 😭
@wallhackio @aescling that was what i was going to say though
@wallhackio @monorail can an m3 max macbook pro run dolphin well? i imagine the answer is yes....
@aescling @wallhackio probably yeah
@wallhackio ah yeah, you can get controllers with z-jump and everything but i get you
@monorail is there any way to turn off tap up to jump these days
@wallhackio there is not but you get used to it pretty quick tbh
@monorail also @aescling became a lot better than me at melee and that was quite vexing