i liked the romance montage.
sex in the movie
idk if i've remarked here that del Toro is very good at putting seemingly incidental details to further use, reincorporating them later in the film in various fashions, but this film included a very clear multi-part example i liked.
re: lewd
@alyssa monster sex movie
re: sex in the movie
@alyssa .........i don't remember her masturbating in the bathtub??? i’ve watched this movie twice!??????
re: sex in the movie
@aescling not sure what you thought was going on in the opening scene, when she gets in the bath and the camera pulls away to not be looking into the tub and she puts her legs up on the side of the tub and there's a repeated noise of movement in the water then lol
(alternately possibly it is not as memorable as i thought the corn flakes thing made it; i did not remember it from when i watched the film originally but i also forgot that they explicitly had sex lol)
re: sex in the movie
@alyssa ........ i don't remeber that............
re: sex in the movie
@aescling guess ya gotta pay more attention on your next rewatch :P
love her