fuck all of you i think the cybertruck looks cool
@coriander i unironically think this
@aescling @coriander Have you seen one in person?
@amy @coriander twice
@aescling @coriander Perhaps it's not that the cybertruck looks worse in person, it just looks more like a cybertruck in person...
@amy @coriander i have never taken a close look. i have heard some of the actual construction is shit (like stuff just being outright misaligned, which i would hate)
@amy @coriander in concept though i like the corny-ass ps1 looking design
@aescling @coriander Oh yeah, I don't believe that you think the cybertruck is cool. You think it looks cool, which I strongly disagree with but can forgive
@aescling you also think absol looks cool
@Lady you disagree????
@aescling banned, but not for this
@compufox go make some cheese bitch
@melaniemoo @aescling I’m gonna SCREAM
@compufox @melaniemoo good.
@melaniemoo @compufox how else is the moo gonna eat, if ya catch my drift
@aescling Nice bait but nobody thinks this