zelda status 

• got off the floating island
• rewound a falling block to get onto another floating island… and then had no way off. so i built a DOPE-ASS GLIDER with a FLAMETHROWER IN FRONT and somehow managed to launch it well enough to not die
• was killed by bokoblins; killed bokoblins
• befriended a dope-ass horse
• went south and a gerudo lady was like “maybe you want to go north”. i did not want to go north i wanted to go to the temple of time (hylian edition)
• made it to the temple of time and got a sidequest which sounded metal as fuck but not horse-friendly. retreated because it was a blood moon and i didn’t want to have to kill all the enemies in there again
• went to the dueling peaks stable and the BRIDGE WAS DOWN FUCK
• did a loooooong detour over a mountain and into the faron province. saw a giant whirlpool and what i assume is a gleeok on the great bridge in the distance
• FINALLY made it to Highland Stable and boarded my dope-ass horse who LOVES me now after we have suffered through so much together
• have not completed any shrines or spoken to any main quest characters since arrival on the surface. this is fine

zelda status 

• made it to my (and Zelda’s?? fucking tiny bed lmao) house
• did a bunch of things in hateno
• travelled up north to kakariko
• did a bunch of things there too
• there was a zonai hot air balloon contraption so i launched myself into the sky and then had to get very creative solving the shrine puzzle there
• SO MUCH “move the platform where you want it; move it back to you; use Rewind”
• finally tried doing a shrine on the surface and failed at it because it requires the paraglider which i STILL don’t have
• i do have lots of paraglider fabrics though
• rode my horse to dueling peaks stable FINALLY

zelda status 

• i heard impa was doing some cool stuff so i went and visited her
• impa: “it's true we are high up in my balloon, but you can just float down with a paraglider” me:
• thankfully there was a river nearby and i just lept from the balloon into it
• went into the forgotten temple
• time to find all the geoglyphs!!
• marked them on my map, which of course is not filled out because i can’t get in the towers
• Journey Into Hebra
• found two geoglyphs but not the one i was looking for?? explored a bunch of caves
• finally found it
• hmm these rito folk need help i should assist them
• (barely) made it to the top of the storm!! but i used up all my balloons and have no other means to get inside
• that’s right kids i still do not have a paraglider
• i will try again while saving a balloon tomorrow, i BET i can make it
• this would be a lot easier if i had rockets lmao

zelda status 

i did not in fact need another balloon

zelda status 


zelda status 

i wish i had thought to capture a video of me actually getting up to that top platform because it was amazing but to give you an idea, it involved waiting for all five of the balloons attached to my wing to time out and detach, rewinding the wing to stabilize it, and then gliding under the platform and using ascend

zelda status 

• i can beat the first half of colgera pretty easily but
• i think the only way to do the second without the paraglider might be to kill it all in one go in the time it takes to fall after the initial cutscene

zelda status 

getting a good night’s rest helps (cc @noelle)

zelda status 

• beat the wind temple
• hopped around some stables and helped some folks
• encountered a satori under a tree
• met kilton and koltin
• got my first Great Fairy to come out of her flower
• got the next geoglyph


re: zelda status 

@Lady you have no idea how many times i tried putting a carrot in the alter

you know, carrots. a fruit.

re: zelda status 

@aescling there is a carrot right next to it so, understandable

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