@aescling hmm thats way too much, we should start taking the instance down every new moon
@Satsuma unironically, something like this would be a fantastic bit
@aescling does the instance really need to be online between three and nine am 🤔
@Satsuma does the purrotocol enforce sufficient reliability constraints to make sure we would get the posts we were supposed to receive during that time? i’m p sure it does but i just wanna be sure befur pulling a funny little stunt like that
@aescling i havent the slightest idea
@Satsuma i was hoping margo would have an answer here
@Satsuma @aescling For the most part this seems effective (especially when I've taken my instance down for one reason or another), but be warned that they're Sidekiq retries with increasing backoff, so if you're down for very long you'll receive messages out of order. (Not sure what other systems do, there's no requirement in the protocol but in practice retrying for a while is useful.)
@Satsuma that was my understanding