Quick PSA: If you share me a tumblr link that looks like username.tumblr.com, I can read it! however if instead its formatted tumblr.com/username then instead of actually being able to read your post, I get this highly annoying screen and can't actually read the post you actually sent

If you were just passing along a silly meme or something, maybe it's not worth the effort of double checking that everyone can actually see the post and that's fine whatever. But if you're sending it because you think that the contents are important enough that people off tumblr should be reading them? Maybe double check

@Forestofglory @Satsuma I think they’ve changed the wording, but it used to say something like, “Ah, now. You need clearance for that,” which was even more condescending and annoying… and on my phone (which is set to simplified Chinese for learning purposes) it said this. I really don’t know! But I *feel* like “啊,现在。” isn’t a thing anyone ever says?

This means that screen annoyed me in at least three separate ways, every time I saw it. 😠


@Forestofglory @villainousfriend i think it rotates through a couple options in english? but they are all kinda weird and condescending yeah

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