I don’t usually do question memes but I got tagged in one the other day and I have 20 minutes to kill…
fandom intro question meme
4) What was your first fandom?
first fancon was harry potter (leaky chicago), first fanfic i wrote was james bond (long story), but the emotionally correct answer here is star trek tos
5) How often has fic made you cry?
…struggling to think of a time i’ve cried over a fic tbh. im sure its happened! but not recently lol
6) Rec a fic that you love!
i reread stark_burnt_heart’s How Does Distance Look? when i can’t sleep (so…often) & when the light goes out by
janonny is the classic postcanon guardian fixit for me
fandom intro question meme
7) Who's your ult OTP?
this is not a relevant concept to my relationship with fandom
8) Share a pic that would convince someone to fall for your current fandom!
are there people who can get baited into a fandom from a single pic? not even sure where to start with this tbh
9) Have you ever met a fandom friend IRL?
several! no one currently on fedi but purringvulcan, sadieyuki, flannellizard, & i all spent a weekend together in DC back in 2016 & i’ve since hung out with them offline a few times each for various occasions. my best friend and i have also been dragging eachother into various fandoms for over a decade now
fandom intro question meme
10) What's the last fandom merch or craft you got?
this lovely guardian postcard from yue
11) Rare pairs, big ships, or gen?
rare pairs, or more accurately small fandoms. I like hanging out in fannish spaces where you can at least kinda know everyone
12) Are you multi-fandom or mono-fannish?
very multi-fannish as evidenced by my #DecRecs submissions lol
fandom intro question meme
13) When did you last travel for a con, concert, fanmeet, or cupsleeve event?2012? am aiming to get to wiscon offline in 2024 tho
14) How did you get into your current fandom?
guardian — heard about on dreamwidth & then watched w/my then girlfriend
swcw — kinda slid into this one sideways, i think some fic authors i follow got into it maybe?
kpop — fic recs on dreamwidth
15) What's your favourite trope?
time travel
fandom intro question meme
16) What are 3 tags that will make you click no matter what?
i tend to sort more based on recs than tags
17) Fav fest you've prompted/read/written for?
i don’t think sundial-exchange is happening this year but it’s always resulted in a bunch of great fics
18) Share an upcoming fest you're excited about!
fandom nominations for https://candyheartsex.dreamwidth.org close today at midnight EST!
fandom intro question meme
19) What's your favourite episode, song, moment, etc. from your current fandom?
i dont play favorites but please enjoy whatever the hell jk’s doing here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEjUQB10cN4
20) Tag three fandom friends on Masto!
thanks to @annathecrow for the tag! kinda feel like everyone here who’s interested has already done this at this point but maybe @Lady and @ljwrites could be convinced? :D
fandom intro question meme
@Satsuma “20 minutes to kill”
@godtributes tribby no
fandom intro question meme
originally from https://fandom.ink/@bts_fanfic/109480796231157795 w/the text based list here: https://tinyurl.com/4373urj7
1) How long have you been in fandom?
It’s difficult to pin down exactly (does being fannish irl with friends count, for example?) but definitely over a decade!
2) Which fandoms are you in now?
Guardian & cdramas in general (I have a lovely watchparty group that I hang out with), star wars (prequel era mostly), & kpop are my main three
3) Do you create transformative works (fic, fan art, podfic, etc.)?
Not that you can currently find online ;)
Attached: 1 image Meme time! Repost the template and get to know your new masto friends! :blobnomcookie: question list https://tinyurl.com/4373urj7