when i was a kid i cared passionately about staying up on what was cool and new in media but i did not anticipate that in a decade media would collectively have gone to shit


the music WAS better when i was a kid! the shows were more creative! the movies were better written, shot and directed! this is extremely distressing to me!

remember when games were worth criticizing?! it was like a five year window you probably missed it

there’s a lot you CAN say about games but like. why would you. it has ceased to be relevant

*slowly turns towards the nearest movie theatre*

@Lady It's funny because, in a way, media is easier to make and distribute than it used to be. There are plenty of interesting independent games, movies, and music releasing all the time, but it's saturated enough so that it all gets drowned out.

Like, I thought 2023 was a middle-of-the-road year for film, but after seeing many retrospectives from big film nerds, there was a ton of interesting stuff released. I had just never heard of any of it.

@wallhackio yeah that's part of the depressing thing—even when good things are released (which they undoubtedly are) it doesn't feel like they're in conversation with a broader culture so what is there to say beyond “yep. good film”

there are tons of talented artists but there is no scene

@Lady I had a thought recently like "Whatever happened to sitcoms?"

They're still around! They just all suck and have no cultural impact.

@Lady I guess TECHNICALLY Big Bang had cultural impact but, like

It pretty immediately became the butt of more jokes than a source of earnest references

@coriander i think Big Bang was the last culturally impactful sitcom which is extremely sad

what a way for an artform to go

@Lady It was kind of waning in popularity and then Big Bang just came in with a glock and murdered it

We might've seen a resurgence by now if that show hadn't happened, maybe

@coriander comedy in general is a really tough sell right now because it doesn't internationalize well and nobody is willing to make anything which isn't going to stream in at least 20 countries

@Lady That's

Huh that's actually a really good point I hadn't considered before

@coriander it's something you mostly only hear about in reference to romcoms (which have been dead for several decades at this point) but they were just the beginning

action movies are big rn because you don't need to understand the subtle ironies of american culture to enjoy guns and explosions

@coriander people still make other kinds of movies but they won't see the return, so they don't get the budgets, so they wind up not being as good, so they're less willing to make more

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