using IIFEs just to give these javascript files some sense of structure

@aescling const has block scope and can’t be reassigned, so you have to use an IIFE plus a return if you want the value of a const to be determined within a block but available outside of it. this is in fact one of the the only reasonable applications of IIFEs in modern javascript code, but it’s very useful.

// Doesn’t work:—
const foo = "🎱"
const bar = `${ foo }ball`

// Works:—
const bar = (() => {
const foo = "🎱"
return `${ foo }ball`

@Lady any idea if the do block thing is advancing in the standardization process or no?


@aescling Stage 1; last presented June 2020; seems like there was general support for it but some spec work to be done before it could advance to Stage 2; looks like they’re still hashing some things out, in particular in relation to break/return

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@aescling so no, it isn’t advancing, but it isn’t abandoned

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