"I'm so happy that I finally hit level 30, it took forever" <- Girl who's about to discover her keyboard has a "kill me immediately" button on it

Ha ha funny Minecraft death, also this took days and I'm pissed off

"Where should we put the button that completely freezes your game for five seconds?" "Probably as close to WASD as possible"


@amy every EA game is forced to open the developer console that comes with every EA game

the hotkey for this is mapped to the tilde key and THIS IS NOT MODIFIABLE.

in battlefield 1, an EA game, the default key for switching to your primary weapon is the 1 key, which is RIGHT FUCKING NEXT TO THE KEY THAT OPENS THE FUCKING DEVELOPER CONSOLE AND CAUSES A BRIEF HICCUP IN THE GAME WHENEVER THIS HAPPENS AND IT DOES FUCKING KILL YOU and i am very normal about this annoyance

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.