Which concept is more challenging to learn?

@wallhackio i thought i knew what an rvalue was but having them compared to monads makes me think maybe i only think i do

@wallhackio monads were hard enough for me to understand that an ex once got mad at me because they explained monads and then a few weeks later i happened to mention in conversation that i didn't understand monads. they thought i didn't listen to them

@monorail expecting someone to get what a monad is from a single conversation is insane behavior

It took me a couple days to feel like I understood what a monad was

@wallhackio it took me years of, not really trying but occaisonally stumbling into people talking about them

i heard so many people talk say "monads are simple, people just overcomplicate them. all they are is [simple explanation]" and every time they'd describe something entirely different

there was a really good youtube video i saw that finally made me understand it though. i don't remember the specifics very well, i'd have to watch it again, but i understand the general idea of "putting a value into an environment that abstracts out an idea about that value, and then performing actions in that environment in a way that preserves that idea"

which is obviously a horrible description, i never claimed i could teach monads to someone haha. but i understand that like, Maybe is a monad that puts a value into an environment and extracts out the idea of "the value might not actually be there", in such a way that you can perform actions on it even though it might not be there

@monorail monads are hard to learn but they are even harder to teach

@wallhackio we take reports very seriously here and i will make sure this is investigated fully

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