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very amusing that the spanish wikipedia article for mate makes sure to clarify that water boils at 100 °C at sea level


ey we found a place with vegan medialunas that delivers. delicious. also vegan empanadas. those i havent tried yet since those are for dinner (we ordered early since it closes at 1930 and this way we could have the medialunas for a merienda)

i start to say "ok so" and the entire first verse of chapstick chapped lips and things like chemistry runs thru my head

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those secretly christian alt rock/pop punk band from the 2000s could make some catchy songs.

it turns out it's easier to tell stories from your life well when you're literally just making them up

the ubiquity of mercadopago here is kinda remarkable.

i often confuse florence pugh and florence welch

what movie would you recommend i and my wife watch sometime?


the pokédex is a notebook!

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no one told me legends arceus was an isekai

food, request for suggestions 

so, we have some fake ham (that was given to us after a family lunch where Andrea accidentally bought it instead of fake hamburgers)

but it has just been sitting in the freezer because it doesn't seem like it really fits in our usual meal formats (protein source + rice, protein source + polenta, more rarely particularly large protein source by itself or with fried potatoes)

what do people even do with ham other than i guess put it on sandwiches? i'm soliciting ideas

it is a shame that we cannot negotiate with the mosquitos.

ttrpg posting 

today was my first time killing a PC and i did it twice!

oh, convenient. rail strike tomorrow has been postponed to thursday. hopefully this means they think they can get the pay rise they're asking for.
(but also it works out well for me since i don't have to go anyplace on thursday)

relatedly, my wife has pointed out that the Wachowskis sure have a thing about movies where a technologically advanced society consumed humans in a way that doesn't really make sense

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jupiter ascending continues to be a very silly movie

they added emoji reactions to email???

pokémon black version is a bit heavy on story battles relative to ground covered (presumably also white version)

i guess that's just what new york city is like tho

violinist busker on the train home today. played hey jude and then i’m not sure what he’s playing now.

ttrpg posting 

the glorious moment when one of the players figures out the clues to your puzzle

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📟🐱 GlitchCat

A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.