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crimson peak spoilers, if vague 

The film deploys the cliché of sexual deviance as the sin of the aristocracy. Indeed, it presents all the horror as deriving from that original sin. There's a brief moment that acknowledges that deviance itself as having an origin, but it's brushed past. I think a Crimson Peak that developed that question further would have been more interesting to me, although I'd still have had mixed feelings.

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i have mixed feelings about certain elements, but this was the better done film compared to Mimic (this is perhaps his second horror film per se).

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to be clear, this is not a conflict of values between me and the film but the explicit textual problem the protagonist is dealing with rn

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oh no, the tragic circumstance in which there's an aristocrat but he's charming.

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this is the only feature film directed by Guillermo del Toro that I have not yet seen. although I should rewatch Pan's Labyrinth and The Shape of Water since I didn't watch them super recently.

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rlly seems like Ricks can't help but admit that ideas like that are basically true; he just thinks it's self-defeating for theorists to emphasize them.

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is this literary theory book sandbagging (not rlly the right word but) by citing Christopher Ricks as an opponent of ideas like Saussure's "in language there are only differences without positive terms"?

joke about cohost 

a tumblr clone where i can't post does do a better job of simulating my tumblr experience in which i don't post

huh, i remembered (partially) two dreams this morning

the kaiju were very cool. the giant robots were mostly cool conceptually. fights were p good. one of the rare movies that str8baits. overall, good. i think i like it slightly more than Hellboy 2.

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i would like to date this kaiju. they have a very cool looking tongue and i think they'd be nice once you get to know them

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like five goons simultaneously drawing guns at point blank range on the scientist was funny

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i think it is especially cool when the giant robots work by some weird strange means like having two pilots that who synchronize one hemisphere of each of their brains to control the giant robot, or they're powered by love.

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