
gamefreak should be forbidden by law from putting pickup mons early on in a game's routes because then i get a zigzagoon early and feel locked in to keeping it in my party forever


do not put pokemon with pickup in the first five routes shall be the whole of the law.

re: pokeposting 

@alyssa Is there no PC system any more?

re: pokeposting 

@aschmitz there is but it does not really solve the problem of "every time i battle without zigzagoon in my party i'm missing out on a chance at a pickup"

re: pokeposting 

@alyssa Ah, apparently this is an interesting mechanic that shows how I haven't played any recent Pokemon games. I guess you could treat it as if you hadn't gotten the zigzagoon though? But I understand feeling like you should do it now that it's available. 😞


re: pokeposting 

@aschmitz recent games like ruby and sapphire :p

re: pokeposting 

@alyssa Exactly! Newfangled things.

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