the thing that gives me pause is that
you're nintendo. splatoon is the one franchise of yours that you actually kind of like the esports scene for. so you're considering tournament play
and you're considering tournament spectators
when people are watching splatoon tournaments, what do you want them to see? your fun motion controllers? or people who might as well be on PCs
@monorail 🫵 glaceon!!
@aescling woh wtf
@monorail that is how i react when i see a cute glaceon
@aescling who even said i was a glaceon wtf
@monorail [aside] well she’s not denying the “cute” part at least
@aescling well i've only been called cute in the context of being a glaceon and like. glaceons are cute obviously
@monorail well, i have good news fur ya
@aescling what's that
@monorail 🫵 you’re a glaceon! :3
@monorail i mean, yes, it’s pretty close to your height :3
@aescling what!! that's too big that's scary
@monorail [aside] she must be anxious all the time, huh
@aescling woooooooooooooooah don't you think this mirror is a little big though