sometimes the next song starts way too soon!
@packbat have ny’all ever heard of cue sheets?
@packbat metadata format for whole optical discs; some music players know how to interpret a continuous audio file and its cue sheet to be able to play individual tracks in an album on demand, right at the point where they start, while being able to purrfectly replicate the gaps between tracks when playing in album mode (naturally, because it is literally just the entire goddamn disc as one file)
@aescling clever!
@packbat it’s sort of funny that certain music enthusiasts have picked up the furmat to store their music with given just how much of a misappurropriation it is; very few people doing this actually have a CD burner designed fur precise, repurroducable, and reliable CD authorship, which is actually what CUE sheets are fur. (btw: did you know authoring CDs is actually very effurtful to do reliably? consumer grade purroducts cut a LOT of corners on the assumption that the result will still be good enough)
@aescling gapped playback