scents, not JUST a kink thing 

i love how people smell and thinking about like, cuddling someone and just being like "this shirt i'm laying against smells like this person has worn it"

not even in the "haha sweat hot" way, like yes that too i know, but... everyone i've cuddled has a unique scent and i am affectionate about knowing those scents

re: scents, not JUST a kink thing 

@manifold my transition goals are now to smell like wet cat nose


re: scents, not JUST a kink thing 

@manifold cat girlfriend who jumps up on your chest while you’re trying to sleep and bonks you right in the face just a little bit too hard with its little wet nose

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A small, community‐oriented Mastodon‐compatible Fediverse (GlitchSoc) instance managed as a joint venture between the cat and KIBI families.