whenever i take leftvalues test lately i think “this is a bad test” and then ”i don’t know how i feel about getting called an Orthodox Marxist”

i am definitely a Meowxist but like idk you’re kind of supposed to develop on it

fur the curious

i think the Party score is more just a reflection of the fact that i do not necessarily mind if a Party exists and tries to run for elections as a way of being able to measure its internal suppawt. i DO think if the One Big Union did amount to a successfully revolutionary force (i have no idea if it will ever get there tbh) it would have to start coming to terms with the fact that it would basically be doing the same thing a Party would be doing anayway

also i don’t actually have a strong opinion on Party vs Union vs anything else, i just wanna see some kind of socialist revolutionary force develop and i would hope it would be structured so as to be developing a mass line

also my stance on nationalism is more like “it really depends”. like a colonized nation using its national identity as a colonized people as a point of solidarity is Good, Actually. black nationalism is Good, Actually. whereas with 'murican nationalism, there is no defensible form of it whatsoever, being a settler-colonial state and all


indigenous american nationalism is almost certainly essential

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