This bloomberg article quotes "design historian Alessendra Wood" saying that Victorian women had to get out of their clothes to go pee.

citation needed??????

@Betty especially baffling because the rest of the article argues that the ladies lounge had nothing to do with bathrooms at all and in fact predated sex-segregated public restrooms


@Betty so like, even if women *did* need to strip in order to pee that clearly wasnt the primary function of this room???

@Satsuma I think these rooms are more like the room you go into at the ball because someone stepped on your flounce and tore it off, and your maid needs to pin it back up. Like, that sort of retiring room makes sense as a sort of sex segregated space.

@Betty yeah its just weird to simultaneously argue they’re the direct predecessor to the bathroom-lounge directly after Alessandra Wood’s much weirder explanation of their existence.

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