ideas for fictional gender fuckery, possible racialization(?) fuckeryfeedback appreciated 

So rai and I were tossing around ideas for gender fuckery in our new fictional world.

Our thought process went something like this:

*The spirits of rivers are dragons and the spirits of mountains are giants. When a river dries up (or the mountain wears away) the dragon is trapped in human form and loses much of their magic.

*All humans are descended from these spirits one way or another

*Most humans retain some of their ancestors magic, among other things, the ability to shapeshift to different human forms.

*Sex is a meaningless category when you can shapeshift to any form

*What if social gender was based on whether you descended from/had magic of mountain or river spirit

*This could be hugely fun.

*If one parent is river and the other is mountain, what is the kid?

*Come back to that

*This would mean there would be significant real-world gender segregation simply because river valleys would mostly have folks descended from rivers and mountains mostly have folks descended from mountains


Rai went to run errands and my brain kept running:

*Wait, at this point are we talking about fictional gender or fictional race?

* I think gender because gender identity appears to be something inherent where race is a social construct

* Right?

* Helloooooo bioessentialism

*Ah fuck

*Wait, no, spirit/mountain folks wouldn't necessarily be separated like that because the descendents of a dried up river are not necessarily going to be born or live where that river used to be, and certainly not where a river currently is. Etc. Most societies are probably pretty heterogenous in terms of river/mountain folks.

*Especially after umptee thousand years or so

*I should get some other viewpoints on this.

*I don't think we have anything coherent enough for an actual sensitivity consultant to work with. Do we?


Which is where I am right now.


ideas for fictional gender fuckery, possible racialization(?) fuckeryfeedback appreciated 

@JessMahler it sounds to me like you’ve sorta reinvented the real world concept of a moiety:

ideas for fictional gender fuckery, possible racialization(?) fuckeryfeedback appreciated 

@JessMahler which is neither a race nor a gender though can have some social implications similar to both

re: ideas for fictional gender fuckery, possible racialization(?) fuckeryfeedback appreciated 

@Satsuma Interesting! I vaguely recall hearing of this, but never learned much about it. Time to change that.

re: ideas for fictional gender fuckery, possible racialization(?) fuckeryfeedback appreciated 

@JessMahler ursula k leguin used the concept in one of her worlds (the one with sedoretus instead of pair marriages) so you may have stumbled across it there but it’s a real thing with a lot of historical evidence around the world, and still practiced in places today

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