@pagrus one of my friends in high school was obsessed with 'em. I think it's pretty easy to pirate 'em...might be worth a shot?
@titania@retro.pizza I guess my first question is whether I should try to play them in order, or are they different enough from each other that there's no reason to start with eg the most recent one
@pagrus ah I mean I don't think there's a ton in the way of continuity. I'd probably start with FE7 because the tutorial is pretty good.
@titania@retro.pizza uhhh is that this one? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_Emblem:_The_Blazing_Blade
@pagrus that's the one!
@Satsuma@glitch.cat.family @titania@retro.pizza ok I think the one I found in the rom set is actually blazing blade but the file is just called fire_emblem.zip. wikipedia says it's the first one released in the usa so maybe they didn't feel like it needed distinguishing. there's also the sacred stones but that is next in the series so I think I have a good starting point
@Satsuma@glitch.cat.family @titania@retro.pizza ooh that one looks good too