
I bet Hua Cheng would love to be a pool toy for Xie Lian to use.

Urethral insertion 

Hua Cheng’s butterflies laying eggs in Xie Lian’s bladder 🥺

Hua Cheng could make sure it was painless!

Urethral insertion 

@xieliansbignaturals okay but how do they come out? … well, I guess the answer is “one at a time, very politely,” but I just wanted to think about it. It’ll take so long for all of them to emerge! Hua Cheng will be so proud once it’s done!


Urethral insertion 

@xieliansbignaturals @villainousfriend do they come out as caterpillars? and does XL then lovingly raise them in a specialized terrarium, while idly daydreaming about the whole thing?

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