Anyone know a good way to host a bunch of zines online?
Ideally I want them to be searchable and have data on type, author, topics and such. I'm hoping to do this for both the minizine collection I have for putting in little free stores and another to accompany a zine event for ace week.
I currently use calibre to organize the zines. Which is exactly what i want! Essentially an online shareable calibre library.
Is that possible? Especially for free or cheap


@sunflower_avenue if you’re comfortable self hosting, my girlfriend has some recs (she writes open source code for libraries) but nothing that offers free hosting already, and i suspect that’s a little more involved than you are looking for?

a bookmarking software like does most of what you want for free, but you’d need to find somewhere else to put the files elsewhere and link back (anywhere that lets you publicly host files would work eg. or whatever)

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