one of my friends just texted me to ask questions about chlorine trifluoride, which means I got to link him at the ol' classic, Sand Won't Save You This Time

(If you're not familiar:

I work infrequently with low concentration (10% v/v) HF, which means that he thinks I am a lot more badass than I actually am. Bless.


@titania what do you dilute it with if it reacts with everything?

@titania a much more pedestrian answer than i was expecting 😂

@Satsuma HF is honestly not that terrifying if handled correctly. it's shelf-stable and easy to store as long as you don't try to do something silly and put it in a glass container. it gets used a lot in semicon processing because it will reliably strip stuff for you and it's reusable.

I also work with cadmium tho, which I still find sort of low-key terrifying, so idk

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