Hmm. A random idea: what if I made an *opt-in* pinned post on my account, tagging active danmei fans on here IF they want to be tagged in the post? I could update it once a month or so, removing people who haven't been active in that last month.
I had this idea because I've gotten a lot of danmei fans to join here from Tumblr, but I think they're having trouble finding people to follow, since not a lot of people use tags. But also, I don't want to send new people to follow my mutuals without ASKING those mutuals if they want to be followed.
Any opinions? Anyone want to be in that post? 👀
@xieliansbignaturals you could also request a danmei section on perhaps?
@Satsuma :O!
@Satsuma Requested!
@xieliansbignaturals yay!
@xieliansbignaturals haha yeah it could definitely be promoted better 😅