human confusion about plants
@twistylittlepassages yeah houseplant common names are absolutely rife with taxonomic misclassifications—there are two plants commonly called “split leaf philodendron” and neither of them are philodendrons 😂 (they are also in totally different families from each-other, for bonus confusion)
human confusion about plants
@twistylittlepassages yeah i mean tbf thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum does not exactly roll off the tongue—i have to re look it up every time
i guess the lesson here is to just try to pick common names that have nothing to do with the scientific name haha
human confusion about plants
@Satsuma yeah! I was like "why do they call it ZZ plant... oh, I see" 😆
human confusion about plants
@Satsuma that sounds... par for the course for what I'm learning, honestly