I wear a mask when in stores and other public places. I'm not perfect about it and could probably wear them more often
But, in all the times I wear them I've only had one person comment on it. And it was another person wearing a mask.
I hear so often about people getting comments or stares wearing a mask. It seems odd that its not something I've experienced at all


@sunflower_avenue right after our local mask mandate was lifted i got a whole bunch of comments spanning the whole range of unpleasantness (the majority were just variations on ‘you know you dont have to wear that right?’ with varying levels of condescending but i also got cornered on the bus once by someone who had decided masks were uh, a muslim conspiracy to force women to veil so) but it mostly tailed off after the first…six months?

i do still occasionally get people, esp medical professionals, doublechecking i’m not sick which is reasonable but still awkward and annoying

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