I've been poking at L'An 2440, rêve s'il en fut jamais (1771) which is this book where this 18th century guy wakes up in in France in the year 2440, a rare early example of an explicitly scifi novel, people would normally write this as fantasy, an unknown culture in the jungle or a shrouded mystery island etc.
Problem is (apologies to the long-dead author) this is not a good book, there's a reason if you've never heard of it. The only truly interesting bit is he in no way predicted the Industrial Revolution, so imagine a future where progress was primarily sociopolitical, or in the arts.
@pamela regional, but some of the regions are Weird (eg. some places have two overlapping jurisdictions over the same region, some bits of mars are independent while others are partially or fully subsidiary to regional earth powers, the physical territory moon is still impossible to lay claim to by treaty but some people live up there right now under various governance structures)