COVID (culture, not disease, mostly)
talking to a friend got me thinking about the people who told me I deserved to get COVID in October of '21 because I was working outside the house.
just, like.
the utter lack of understanding and general sanctimoniousness and shaming surrounding the fact that my job couldn't be done remotely.
I think that's largely improved, but we ran across it in the wild today, so who knows
COVID (culture, not disease, mostly) wait what wtf
COVID (culture, not disease, mostly)
@pagrus people are ridiculous sometimes. I've also heard it about not utilizing grocery delivery (it's through Instacart here, no thanks) and what was then essential travel.
COVID (culture, not disease, mostly)
@titania @pagrus i dont think anyone deserves to get covid but i kind of understand the logic of saying that about eg. someone who is refusing to mask. Like, okay, they are making society more dangerous for everyone so i can see why you’d want them to feel the costs of that risk. But using instacart is just…offloading your own personal risk onto a poor person?? How the hell is that the morally superior position???
COVID (culture, not disease, mostly)
@pagrus @titania yeah i am strongly invested in not getting covid bc it could v well kill me so i take more precautions than most people i know, and its frustrating at times because i know that if everyone was willing to take some small steps i wouldnt have to be nearly as extreme about it
but 1) if you want everyone to do a thing thats a public policy issue and your ire should primarily lie with the people deciding policy & 2) picking on people for making decisions about their own personal risk that have zero impact on risk at scale is just pure smug superiority to no benefit
COVID (culture, not disease, mostly)
@Satsuma yeah that's fair. Like, I think you should absolutely take precautions, stay boosted, etc to avoid contracting COVID period. But I also think that being a smug asshole about your risk factors because you are able to afford things like grocery delivery helps no one. @pagrus