if you want to ask questions feel free to ask me here too!

1 song that makes u feel better
2 feel-good movie
3 fave candle scent
4 flower u'd like to be given
5 who u feel most u around
6 say 3 nice things about urself
7 color that brings u peace
8 tag someone who makes u feel good
9 what calms u down
10 something yr excited for
11 ideal date
12 how are u?
13 comfort food
14 feel-good show
15 for every emoji u get, tag someone & describe them in one word
16 compliment person who sent you this
17 fairy lights or LED lights
18 do u still love stuffed animals
19 most important thing in yr life
20 what u want most in the world rn
21 if u cld tell yr past self one thing, what is it?
22 what wld u say to yr future self?
23 fave piece of clothing
24 something u do to de-stress
25 best personal gift u could be given
26 movie u want to live in
27 character u want to be
28 hugs or handholding
29 morning, afternoon or night
30 what reminds u of the feeling of home


23 fave piece of clothing for @roland! ooh asking the tough questions. the answer might change depending on when you ask but right now I think it's gotta be the pink boots

10 and/or 29 for @villainousfriend

I already answered 10 on tumblr tumblr.com/sophia-sol/75256443 so I'll answer the other one!

29 morning, afternoon or night

I'm intrinsically a night person, forced to live in a morning person world, alas! also I'm invested in a morning person hobby with my love of birds 😭

12 & 13 for @Satsuma

12 how are you?

Doing pretty good! Anxious about some work stuff but LESS anxious than last night, and things are moving in the right direction. And it's a nice day outside, and I've gotten some good things accomplished on my sewing to-do list in the last little while, and I have lots of great people in my life!

13 comfort food

I answered on tumblr here: tumblr.com/sophia-sol/75256443 but so you don't have to click over, the answer was:

chai made on the stove with whole spices and lots of milk. fresh homemade bread. ordering a big bowl of pho from the nearby vietnamese restaurant and making my way through it with a pot of jasmine tea as accompaniment.


@soph_sol i am glad things are moving in the right direction!

all three of those sound like great comfort foods <3

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