@purplecoww i’ve had good luck making dairy free rice pudding using full fat oatly + leftover sticky rice — I think the oat starches are a bit more prone to thickening the way you want for puddings than eg. nut milks would be
about 4 c oat milk to 2 c rice, 3 tbs honey (or to taste), heat on low while gently stirring to break up the rice until the whole thing just comes to a boil (15 min?) and then cut the heat and throw in a handful of dried raisins or cherries and let the whole thing sit covered for a while while it finishes thickening (half hour or so)
I normally season mine with like 2 tsp cinnamon and a tsp vanilla but you can adjust to your own personal flavor preferences
The rice wont break down as much as the recipe you linked shows but w/sticky rice you don’t need it falling apart before it releases enough starches to make a good texture