tattoo day (+) 

today is not only tattoo day but also tattoo day with my friend @craigteatimetattoo wooo hoooo

tattoo day (+) 

@craigteatimetattoo did an amazing job and tattooed both my hands and around both wrists, in colour, in one day!
I'm so proud of us :)) but it was a long day. I don't have a picture because I didn't take one and now everything is bandaged..
but it is two classical chrysanthemums and I love them so much.

tattoo pic 

and here's a picture, which is a little video still that I screenshotted on the artists instagram story 🍵


tattoo pic 

@distel they’re so pretty! and such an excellent use of the space, too

tattoo pic 

@Satsuma yees, craig really paid so much attention to achieve the best placement!

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